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Author Guidelines

The Northern Journal of Medical Sciences (North J Med Sci, NJMS) accepts manuscripts prepared in accordance with the ‘Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals’ as approved by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). Authors are advised to read the ICMJE recommendations and follow instructions carefully before submitting their manuscript to The North J Med Sci.

The detailed guidelines for authors can be accessed here. Instructions on how to prepare a manuscript of an Original Article for submission to the North J Med Sci can be accessed on this link

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • Approval from institutional research ethics committee, where applicable, is available.
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, open document format, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The author has submitted/suggested the names, along with their speciality ,affiliation and email address ,of two reviewers as a supplementary file
  • The Metadata of the author and all the co authors is complete in all aspects.
  • Name and affiliations of the author and co authors have not been mentioned any where in the main manuscript file.
  • The authors have read and understood the guidelines for authors by the journal. The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • Funding disclosure is made either in the article manuscript at the prescribed place or as a separate file available for upload during submission process as a supplementary file.
  • Evidence of payment of article processing charges (where applicable) to the North J Med Sci is available either as a digital receipt, or a bank order / demand draft, whichever is applicable.
  • All authors agree to terms and condition set by the journal, subject to change with time and the privacy policy of North J Med Sci. By registering with the journal authors allow the journal to contact them via emails regarding future updates and announcements. The authors can opt out from these email lists if they so wish.



The editorial section serves as a platform for expert commentary, opinion pieces, and discussions on current trends, challenges, and advancements in the field of medical research. This section aims to provide insightful perspectives that complement the primary research articles, fostering a deeper understanding and stimulating intellectual discourse among readers.

Content Scope

The editorial section will include the following types of content:

  • Commentaries: Expert analyses and opinions on recent developments, significant research findings, or ongoing debates in medical science.
  • Perspectives: Personal viewpoints or reflective essays from thought leaders and practitioners about the direction of medical research and practice.
  • Opinions: Critical assessments or viewpoints on policy, ethical issues, and clinical practices, aimed at provoking thoughtful discussion.
  • Editorials: Short articles written by the editorial board members or invited experts to highlight important issues, introduce thematic series, or provide context to special issues.

Submission Guidelines

  1. Authorship: Editorials can be authored by members of the editorial board or by invitation. Unsolicited submissions will be considered if they align with the journal’s scope and standards.
  2. Length: Editorial pieces should generally not exceed 1,500 words, excluding references. Exceptions can be made for comprehensive reviews or particularly impactful pieces.
  3. Structure: Each editorial should have a clear and concise structure, typically including an introduction, main body, and conclusion. Subheadings are encouraged to enhance readability.
  4. References: References should be kept to a minimum, focusing on the most relevant and recent literature. All references must be formatted according to the journal’s citation style.
  5. Figures and Tables: Limited use of figures and tables is encouraged to support arguments and enhance the clarity of the editorial. These should be high-quality and appropriately referenced.

Review Process

  1. Initial Assessment: The editorial board will conduct an initial review to ensure the submission aligns with the journal’s scope and quality standards.
  2. Peer Review: Selected submissions may undergo peer review by experts in the field to ensure accuracy, relevance, and contribution to the field.
  3. Revision: Authors may be asked to revise their submissions based on feedback from the editorial board and peer reviewers.
  4. Final Approval: The final decision on acceptance and publication rests with the editor-in-chief.

Ethical Considerations

  1. Conflict of Interest: Authors must disclose any potential conflicts of interest, financial or otherwise, that could influence the content of their editorial.
  2. Plagiarism: All submissions must be original and will be checked for plagiarism. Any instances of plagiarism will result in immediate rejection.
  3. Confidentiality: Authors must respect patient confidentiality and obtain necessary permissions for any personal information or clinical details included in their editorial.

Publication Ethics

The editorial section adheres to the highest standards of publication ethics, as outlined by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Any allegations of misconduct will be thoroughly investigated and addressed according to COPE guidelines.

Contact Information

For inquiries or submissions, please contact the editorial office at [[email protected]] or visit our website for more information.

Original Article

Section Policy for Submission of Original Research Articles


Original research articles should present novel and significant findings in the field of medical research. The content should be well-organized, clearly written, and supported by appropriate evidence.

Submission Requirements

  1. Title Page

    • Title of the manuscript
    • Full names, affiliations, and contact details of all authors
    • Corresponding author’s contact information
  2. Abstract

    • Maximum of 250 words
    • Structured format: Background, Methods, Results, Conclusion
    • Include 3-5 keywords
  3. Main Text

    • Word Count: Maximum of 3000 words (excluding abstract, references, tables, and figures)
    • Structure:
      • Introduction: Brief background, rationale, and objectives of the study.
      • Methods: Detailed description of the study design, participants, procedures, and statistical analysis.
      • Results: Clear presentation of the findings with appropriate use of tables and figures.
      • Discussion: Interpretation of the results, comparison with existing literature, implications for practice, and limitations of the study.
      • Conclusion: Summary of the key findings and their potential impact.
  4. References

    • Maximum of 30 references
    • Use the standard citation style specified by the journal
  5. Tables and Figures

    • Should be included at the end of the manuscript or submitted as separate files
    • Each table and figure must have a descriptive title and legend
    • Ensure that tables and figures are referenced in the text
  6. Ethical Considerations

    • Manuscripts must comply with ethical standards in research involving human subjects or animals
    • Include a statement of ethical approval and informed consent
  7. Conflict of Interest

    • Authors must disclose any potential conflicts of interest
  8. Funding

    • Information on funding sources should be provided
  9. Supplementary Material

    • Additional material can be submitted as supplementary files and should be referenced in the text

Submission Process

  • Manuscripts should be submitted through the journal’s online submission system.
  • Ensure that the manuscript adheres to the formatting and submission guidelines.
  • Manuscripts not complying with the guidelines may be returned to the authors without review.

Review Process

  • All submitted manuscripts will undergo a double-blind peer-review process.
  • Authors may be asked to revise their manuscripts based on the reviewers’ comments.
  • The final decision on publication rests with the editorial board.

By adhering to these guidelines, authors can ensure that their original research articles are reviewed efficiently and fairly, facilitating the dissemination of high-quality medical research.

Review Article

Section Policy for Submission of Review Research Articles

Eligibility Criteria

Authors must have written a minimum of three original research articles on the same topic to qualify for submitting a review article.

Article Scope and Content

The review article should offer an in-depth analysis and evaluation of a relatively specific subject within the field of medical research. This should include:

  • Historical Background: A comprehensive overview of the topic’s development over time.
  • Recent Developments: A detailed discussion of the latest research findings and advancements.
  • Author's Contributions: Integration of the author’s own unique research and contributions to the field.

Article Length and Structure

  • Word Limit: The review article should be no longer than 3,500 words, excluding references.
  • References: A maximum of 45 bibliographic citations.
  • Abstract: An unstructured abstract of approximately 150 words.
  • Keywords: Include 3-6 relevant keywords.

Submission Requirements

  1. Manuscript Format: The manuscript should be prepared in accordance with the journal’s general guidelines, ensuring clarity and coherence.
  2. Abstract and Keywords: Ensure the abstract effectively summarizes the review and the keywords are relevant to the content.
  3. Figures and Tables: Authors are encouraged to include figures and tables that enhance the understanding of the review article. These should be clearly labeled and referenced in the text.
  4. References: All citations should be formatted according to the journal's referencing style. Ensure all references are relevant and up-to-date.

Evaluation Criteria

Submitted review articles will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • Relevance and Originality: The article should address a significant topic and provide original insights.
  • Depth and Breadth of Analysis: The review should comprehensively cover both historical and recent developments in the subject area.
  • Clarity and Quality of Writing: The manuscript should be clearly written and well-organized.
  • Contribution to the Field: The article should highlight the author’s contributions and offer valuable perspectives to advance the field of medical research.

Additional Guidelines

  • Plagiarism: All submissions will be checked for plagiarism. Ensure that the work is original and properly cites all sources.
  • Ethical Considerations: Authors must adhere to ethical guidelines in reporting and reviewing the research.

By adhering to these guidelines, authors will ensure that their review articles meet the high standards expected by our medical research publication.

Case Report

Submission Guidelines for Case Reports

General Requirements

  • Word Count: The total word count for a case report should not exceed 1000 words.
  • References: Include a maximum of 10 references.
  • Abstract: Provide a non-structured abstract of no more than 150 words.
  • Keywords: Include a minimum of three relevant keywords sourced from the MeSH database.
  • Figures and Tables: Limit the submission to two figures and one table.

Section Structure

  1. Title

    • Should be concise, informative, and reflective of the case report’s content.
  2. Abstract

    • Summarize the key aspects of the case in a non-structured format within 150 words.
    • Highlight the purpose, main findings, and significance of the case.
  3. Keywords

    • Provide at least three relevant keywords from the MeSH database.
  4. Introduction

    • Briefly introduce the context and relevance of the case.
    • State the objective of presenting this particular case.
  5. Case Report

    • Patient Information: Include details such as age, gender, and relevant medical history.
    • Clinical Findings: Describe the symptoms, clinical signs, and diagnostic results.
    • Diagnostic Assessment: Provide details of the diagnostic methods and results.
    • Therapeutic Intervention: Describe the treatment plan and its implementation.
    • Follow-up and Outcomes: Include information on the patient’s progress and outcomes.
  6. Discussion

    • Discuss the unique aspects of the case, emphasizing its academic and educational value.
    • Compare with existing literature and explain the significance of the findings.
    • Mention any limitations and suggest areas for future research.
  7. References

    • Follow a consistent citation style.
    • Ensure references are relevant and up-to-date, with a maximum of 10 references.

Additional Information

  • Visual Aids:
    • Limit to two figures and one table.
    • Ensure figures and tables are clear, well-labeled, and add value to the text.
  • Content:
    • Focus on the unique facets of the disease or condition.
    • Reports may include concise or negative research findings, clinical experiences, drug trials, or adverse effects.
  • Formatting:
    • Adhere to the publication’s specific formatting guidelines.
    • Ensure the submission is well-organized, clear, and free of grammatical errors.

By adhering to these guidelines, submissions will be clear, structured, and valuable to the academic and medical community.

Short Communication to the Editor

Short Communication Submission Policy

Scope and Purpose

Short communications are brief reports intended to present new research findings or important insights that warrant rapid dissemination. These submissions should be concise yet comprehensive, focusing on significant and impactful content that can be clearly conveyed within the constraints outlined below.

Submission Guidelines

Length and Structure

  • Word Limit: The main body of the short communication must not exceed 1,000 words.
  • Abstract: An unstructured abstract of no more than 150 words must accompany the submission. The abstract should succinctly summarize the key points and findings of the research.
  • Tables and Illustrations: Authors may include up to two tables or illustrations. These should be essential to the understanding of the text and clearly referenced within the manuscript.
  • References: A maximum of five references is permitted. These should be recent and relevant to the topic, supporting the credibility and context of the research findings.

Formatting Requirements

  • Manuscript Formatting: Submissions must be prepared in a standard, double-spaced format with a clear and readable font (e.g., Sans, sans-serif, 12-point).
  • Masthead: Include a masthead with the following information:
    • Title of the short communication
    • Names and affiliations of all authors
    • Corresponding author’s contact details
  • Section Headings: While the abstract is unstructured, the main text should include appropriate section headings to enhance readability and structure, such as Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion.

Content and Clarity

  • Introduction: Briefly outline the background and objective of the study. Highlight the significance and relevance of the findings.
  • Methods: Summarize the methodology succinctly, providing enough detail for reproducibility without excessive elaboration.
  • Results: Present the key findings clearly, using tables or illustrations where applicable to support the text.
  • Discussion: Discuss the implications of the findings, their potential impact, and any limitations of the study. Conclude with a brief statement of the main message.

Review Process

Submissions will undergo a rapid review process to ensure timely dissemination of important findings. Authors will be notified of the decision within a specified period, typically within 4-6 weeks of submission.

Submission Procedure

  • Submissions should be made through our online manuscript submission system.
  • Ensure that all required sections are completed and that the manuscript adheres to the guidelines outlined above.

By adhering to these guidelines, authors will facilitate a smoother review process and increase the likelihood of their short communication being accepted for publication. We look forward to your contributions to our journal.

Privacy Statement

At "The North J Med Sci," we are committed to protecting the personal information of our users. This policy outlines how we collect, use, and safeguard your data.

Collection of Personal Information
We collect personal information when users register, submit a manuscript, or subscribe to our newsletter. This may include name, email, address, phone, and other relevant details.

Use of Personal Information
We use this information to provide our services, process manuscript submissions, deliver the newsletter, and communicate with users. We may also use it to improve our offerings.

Protection of Personal Health Information
As a medical journal, we are dedicated to protecting patient privacy. We follow ICMJE and COPE guidelines to safeguard identifiable health data. Consent is required for publication unless permission is provided.

Sensitive Information in Scholarly Submissions
Authors must obtain informed consent from patients or research participants before submitting identifiable personal health information. This includes text descriptions, demographic data, test results, images, videos, and other content that could reveal someone's identity.

Data Sharing
We do not share your personal information with third parties, except with service providers who help us deliver our services. We require them to protect your data.

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If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at team {a} thenjms {dot} com.